Archival Scanning
This scanning page is for old film and/or large scanning orders (400ft and over). It is not meant to be used in conjunction with our other 8mm or 16mm products on this website. If you have under 400ft of film that requires scanning you can use the normal scanning products under the 8mm and 16mm tabs above. If you haven't used our scanning service before have a read of our scanning page here first and then return to this page.
Scanning Old Film
Our new Muller HDS+ scanner is perfect for scanning old fragile and shrunken film because it is designed without sprockets, claws or grabbers. This means it's incredibly gentle on film and wont damage your precious emulsion.
Wetgate Scanning
Wetgate scanning is the process of sending film through the scanner with fluid on it. To get the most from old scratched film a wetgate scan is recommended. When a scratch or vertical line in the film emulsion is filled with fluid, light will travel through the film with less refraction. This results in less visible damage on the image.
The listings below are set up at a special rate and can only be used if you're sending 400ft of film or more.
Placing Orders
Placing an order is super easy. Use the 8mm and 16mm products below to select the length (per foot) and scan type. If you're not sure how much film you have simply post us the film first and we can let you know what you need to select.